I just thought I would update about all the changes that have happened over the last few months. I had grown very bored with my blog and decided to put it to rest for awhile, but now I'm feeling more inspired and interesting in talking. Life has been busy and crazy and it seems like everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.
I was never so glad to see winter go away as I was this year. As the temps warmed up, my mood seemed to soar. I decided to get my flowers planted early this year so I didn't get all the crappy colors to choose from. Last year my pots were filled with red and white. Now, don't get me wrong, those are pretty colors...but anyone who knows me could easily see PINK is what I really wanted.
It wasn't long after planting that I realized I had the desire to play in the dirt even more. Jared and I spent some time cleaning up our back yard. We had a huge pile of left over rock from our landscape project from last summer. We decided to make a rock path off our patio to our shed. Because of our big trees, we have mostly mud for a yard. The path has not only added to the nice look of the back yard, but has drastically cut down on the mud we once suffered. Even after making that huge path we had rocks left over. So we cleaned our our lilac bed and re-rocked it as well. Now the back yard looks somewhat "nice", which is a far cry from where it started when we bought the house.
Even after all this, I still wanted to do more. So...I planted my very first garden! I need to take some pictures to put up because I am just super proud of it. We have two tomato plants, one is celebrity and one is roma. Those plants just seemed to take off. We even have several romas well on the way to being on our dinner table. In addition to the tomatoes, Jared and I planted radishes and carrots. We aren't overly confident that either of them will work out. We do have a bunch of radishes growing, but I fear we planted them to close together . Time will tell how they end up.
Like I said earlier, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. My life wouldnt be my life without some drama. I've had two fairly dramatic things happen in the last two months. First, our basement floor drain started backing up and it was getting worse and worse. To the point a short shower would bring poo water onto the basement floor. Washing dishes or doing laundry caused the same trouble. We assumed we had tree roots in our sewer line and paid a popular company to come out and clean it out. He pulled out roots, but the back up did not clear. Eventually, it was determined the line was broken and would need to be dug out to repair. This popular company dicked us around for awhile and eventually told us the break was under the street. Naturally, we assumed it would be up to the city to fix this damage, but I am sad to report that according to the city ordinances...it was our problem! We asked for an esitmate of cost and waitied 3 weeks for them to get it to us. Finally the numbers came in...9,000 dollars! Jared and I had no clue what to do. We started to scrable and found a way to pay the bill only to find out that this company was only "guessing" at the bid. We were told they didn't think we would "seriously" be able to pay to repair it. The manager decided he wanted to redo the bid and and the price went even higher. Needless to say we dumped them and found someone else. 8500 bucks later, our sewer is now repaired and useable once again.
It was a big old slap in the face and a reminder that being a home owner is not ALWAYS all its cracked up to be. We also learned to NEVER call that popular company for service issues. I was very put off by the service from the start and things only got increasingly bad as the time passed.
Drama number two was just 3 weeks ago. While working, my big old fat knee knocked over my computer tower. It sits on a shelf under my desk. The damn thing came crashing down and in the blink of an eye, it died. I tried to recover it, but have been unable to fix it. A friend of a friend is supposed to be coming to have a look at it, but he keeps forgetting he has an appointment to meet me. I've been borrowing a computer from my mother, but know she wants it back ASAP. At this point I'm not sure when the guy will ever get here to look at my baby. After some thought and growing tired of waiting, I decided to just buy a new system. I would still like to restore my old one for a back up, but it was a good time to update to some faster and better features. I ended up with an HP laptop, which I connect to a big HD flatscreen monitor. So yeah, one more thing I have spent money one.
Anyway, those are alot of my updates. Crazy things always seem to follow me. Always have and always will. I'm spending my days trying to catch up on all the blogs I love to read. So...what's been going on out there in blogger land??
Pancakes That Taste Like Blintzes
20 hours ago
How is the liquid diet going?
I don't start my liquid diet until the 18th. So I still have a couple of weeks before it begins. I'll be sure to let you all know how it is though.
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