My bridal bouquet
Same shot, focused on the flower instead of the berries
Add my ring in and you get this
My cats...Jerome is the black one and Basher is the tabby
Our puggle Dudley
So, what do you think? I think so far the pictures look pretty good. Can't wait to get better at it as well as have time to go out and take some pretty photos.
Okay, I don't take pictures so they look great to me.
When I went hiking in the Grand Canyon my gf asked if I was bringing a camera (it was my 40th bday) and I said nope so she gave me her non digital one.
My dad was and is such a shutter bug, I appreciate what other people do, but don't enjoy it. Besides, people always give me dups.
Btw, love the flowers - very cheery.
Holy Crap!! Great pictures!!
Thanks guys. I never have been much into photography before. I had a digi camera for a long time that took really crappy pics. I hated it and never used it. Just recently I keep thinking of all these things that would make great pictures and things I might like to have pictures of to keep so now I'm getting more interested in it. I dunno, more and more I can see myself really finding a joy with shooting prettyful photos. Time will tell!
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